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             May 18, 2009
4:30 PM                 STARBARD BUILDING

Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston & James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion by B. Potvin Kenniston, seconded by J. Dillon.  It was voted to approve the minutes of April 27, 2009 meeting.

2.   Miscellaneous Items

The Principal Assessor attended the Vision Appraisal Software Users Group meeting on May 5 and 6, 2009.  This included training on the Vision software.

Abatements granted to Newell Road Realty, LLC were discussed. The assessors also discussed an appeal of the FY2009 real estate value from Peter and Sharon Ojerholm of 111 Bull Run.  Town Counsel will be contacted to proceed with this appeal.

The assessors have begun the process of preparing for the FY2010 Preliminary Tax Bills.

The assessors discussed town meeting warrant articles.  This board meeting will adjourn to attend the Adjourned Annual Town Meeting at WRHS Auditorium.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, June 22, 2009 at 4:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston                                                 

APPROVED: _______06-22-2009____